What is your outlet? Mine changes. I frantically take pencil to paper, My preferred method is soft pencils along with a variety of black or gray. Smudge tools are nice to have, but there are tools all around. As we age, physical changes are the toughest. You are forced to accept changes in techniques. Loss of product use. My respiratory Dr. put down some life changes. But I do have a Vadar breather, translation :with the large mask and follow all protective advisories. I limit my time for some techniques. Another safety idea we use is a chemical detector.

Accepting our limitations was tough to swallow. We worked together and cleaned up our mess. Things don’t work that easily anymore. Mr. is sinking in his own circle. He has been spinning while sitting still. He worries, then worries some more, then decides the third time will prove it.

This is a fairly new one, I don’t remember the specifics but it was a tiring and trying time for both of us. It keeps my mind busy instead of over thinking things, I have a terrible filter on my mouth so It is usually best if I lay low in the back section.
The Mr. has been out in the He Hut working a new project., This author has seen the highs and lows when you know that the mental wellness is slipping away and the mental health is coming for a visit. Anyone who has cared see’s the subtle changes, it can become a panic attack in moments or an addled speed talker. We move along one day at a time, put one foot in front of the other and soon you will walking out that door. He has tells that give me a cue to the severity of his discomfort. sometimes what you would put off until the morning. His day won’t end until everything is put right.
Unfortunately I have the attention span of a gnat, And it makes me daft all the time.
So in a nutshell, I am still learning. And he has the patience of a superhero with me.
He may not be the same, but I love him everyday.
Chat soon!

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