Hey every one, nearing the end of a steaming pile of cow patties kind of week. Another health scare. Sing with me ; :Put one foot in front of the other: I will fill you in as we progress. Anxiety is at an all time high. It is so difficult for Jack to do certain things. Agoraphobia – medical is a no choice outing. Certain people may cause his anxiety to show it’s hand wringing self. His foot/feet never stop shaking.
We do have a lot on our minds. We did the spoon rings, by the way this is fun with the right tool choices. A strong man 🙂
Also another foray into earrings, so those will be posted in the coming days.
I also tried hair clips. I used different methods, styles, thickness. I just did not like the look of them. I worry about breakage, I do toss my clips on the counter, none of these broke on impact,
Resin is the next thing along with digging in my junk drawer of odds and sods. If that still doesn’t meet satisfaction I will put them on the idea board and hopefully something will present.
I am so tired of always seeming to be looking left when I should have been right. I have good karma, this I know to be true. So lets get a good Friday for the end of the week.
Thanks for reading!
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