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Happy Spook day!

October 29, 2024 | by Devil n Dove

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Meet Frank!

Okay I cannot lie. I hated it when the kids were little. Don’t have hissy fit. We took them out every year. Weather determined the duration of our outing.

I think I can count a few snowstorms, and definitely some very cold rainstorms. That meant a few houses then home. Don’t forget now we were dragging them up and down the stairs at the time. Not pleasant. I usually had a few bags of candy just in case we were up against mother nature.

We are expecting rain tonight I think.

Alright story time is done. Back to business. I did finish up sizing and took final pictures. I haven’t heard back from my team to see if I forgot my glasses again. Alright, my cup over flows with inventory, I though it might be time to try something new.

The hair clips are in design at the moment structure/stability/usability bla bla bla 😉

Jack has a call with his doctor tomorrow so I would imagine he will be out of sorts. I am actually feeling quite good today, bones hurt bla bla bla 😉

Back soon



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