I forget lots of stuff, sometime I think I am losing my mind, to many things all at once!
Hey there,
I hope everyone is happy healthy and in a good head space. I was working on an attractive method of identifying with a sku and catalogue the stuff to try a craft show this season. I will be working backwards for this and put only the best pieces forward. Unfortunately I do have a lot of things that are attractive but hand tremors are weird they come and go for me. You can certainly tell with some
from the resin section that I had a few bad sessions.
Himself has been learning some new apps for equipment and doing all of the stuff that I suck at. Re: online everything. 🙂
We have be forced to dial it down, time to slow down before the heart attack, and wear padded ass pants. :0
Monday morning, trying to decide what I want to work on and make nice addition to the gallery. He has been doing all of the chores. And staying close working on a/v files.
I do have a stack of drawings that I pulled out. There is going to be some editing time required
there. Mostly my usual doodles.
Oh, I just thought of one! I will try to remember to tell you what it was.
There are a few things on my list that I would like to do, but I still haven’t hit my target weight after the last time.
I have rocks in the tumbler, no where near ready nor am I for a deep pour session. I don’t have the confidence to work the stone cutter or the buffer. Full masked seems to mess with my breathing if I wear it too long and silica is a definite no no at the moment.
But I have come to realize that know one knows me. That saying “walk in my shoes” really does apply here. The worst year of our marriage was a year before he broke his brain. Yes, I do know that term is not in the DSM but it is the word I have chosen to describe his mental wellness and limitations of life. He is in there and I am the only person who understands the various OCD episodes, the panic of leaving the house, having to talk or interact with someone outside of his inner circle.
He was going to help create strings of computer code to ensure that there would be no Y2K melt down of the corporate and banking world. Midnight came and went with better than hoped for results!! Five months later it hit him.
Oh did I mention we had no support system close, we had three boys and the pregnancy test came back positive,
Alright enough of the bedtime story for now. My snips of life are not necessary in the right order
I am in limbo about what I want to do. I think that I should post some of the early 3d mixed media.

I pulled these two out of a box. The point of the exercise was to use materials that would be considered garbage. Broken or unattractive pieces of junk jewelry. Remnants from an old toy. Nuts bolts that could not be matched up. Pink Priscilla inherited a shiny scrunchie. I had a lot of fun making the castoff pieces into the characters.
Till next time.
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