Last week really took it out of me. After dealing with appointments and the emotional toll they had, I completely crashed. No energy, just waves of fear and nervousness. I had an EKG scheduled for Thursday, about an hour away, and mentally, I thought I was prepared.

But then Tuesday hit me like a ton of bricks. The hospital called to schedule a nuclear heart test. Another big procedure, another day at the hospital, and a long, draining process. And to top it off, they scheduled it for December 9th—my son’s birthday. That felt like a gut punch. It completely knocked the wind out of me.
My nerves went straight to a 9 out of 10, and the fight-or-flight response kicked in hard. It got so bad that my wife had to step in and call the hospital to reschedule my Thursday EKG for December 12th. Great—now I have back-to-back appointments, and the dread is already creeping in. I feel like it’s digging deeper into my mind, making me tense and short-tempered for no real reason. I see it happening, and yet I can’t seem to stop it.
On top of all that, it’s the end of the month, and we haven’t had a single sale at the store. It’s hard not to feel discouraged. Are we doing something wrong? Is our stuff just not good enough?
We put so much effort into creating products we’re proud of, and we really hope people see that. If anyone has feedback—good or bad—please let us know. We want to improve and keep going.
Thanks for sticking with me through the ups and downs.
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